Good Counsel (Bo Consello)

This prayer was written by EarthSpirit elder and spiritual director, Andras Corban Arthen, and offered on summer solstice at a Solstice Global Prayer event hosted by Grandmothers of the Sacred We, a group of Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, and wisdom keepers from many nations.  Learn more about Grandmothers of the Sacred We on their website or Facebook page.

The breath of the earth is the wind on the meadows,
the bones of the earth are the ancient stones,
the blood of the earth is the stream on the mountain,
the skin of the earth is the grassy soil ,
the arms of the earth are the trees of the forest,
the heart of the earth is a heart of fire ,
the soul of the earth is our very own soul.
Remember then, always
to sing with the wind,
to rest upon the stone,
to drink from the stream,
to kiss the green soil,
to place your arms round the trees,
to draw strength from the fire,
and to seek the spirit of the earth everywhere,
in everything.
Remember: always return to the Earth
always return to the Earth
always return to the Earth

(O alento da terra é o vento nos prados,
os ósos da terra son as pedras antigas,
a sangue da terra é o regueiro no monte,
a pel da terra é o solo herboso,
os brazos da terra son as árbores do bosque,
o corazón da terra é corazón de lume,
a alma da terra é a nosa propia alma.
Recorda entón, sempre
cantar xunto co vento,
descansar sobre as pedras,
saciar a túa sede do regueiro,
bicar o solo verde,
abrazar as árbores,
sacar forza do lume,
e buscar a alma da terra por todas partes,
en cada cousa.
Recorda, volve sempre á terra
volve sempre á terra
volve sempre á terra.)

solstice fire

One thought on “Good Counsel (Bo Consello)

  1. Thank you for this beautiful earth prayer … touches heart and soul … it was such a special solstice blessing with the spiritual wisdom carrier’s messages, blessings to all

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