
EarthSpirit Voices is the online journal of the EarthSpirit Community, a non-profit organization based in Massachusetts that provides services to a nationwide network of pagans and others following an Earth-centered spiritual path.

Paganism is a spiritual path rooted in ancient European traditions that center around respectful awareness of the sacredness of the Earth. We experience ourselves and everything that exists as vital parts of the whole of Nature, understanding that all things in the universe interact in both a physical and spiritual relationship. Paganism has experienced a dramatic resurgence in the last few decades as many thousands of people have sought a spiritual context through which to address the current environmental crisis.

EarthSpirit was founded in 1977 and works to develop pagan concepts and attitudes for living in the present age, encourage communication and understanding among people of different traditions and ideologies, provide opportunities for shared spiritual experience, and help educate the general public about Earth-centered spirituality.

You can learn more on our website: www.earthspirit.com.

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