Brotherhood of the Stag

by Martin Bridge and Wren Two Feathers

Brotherhood of the Stag and Wolf

Brotherhood of the Stag and Wolf

10 years after the inception of an intensive workshop designed to serve the young men in the EarthSpirit Community at Rites of Spring, what was first given the moniker of the “Brotherhood of the Stag” has blossomed into a greater men’s circle.  Many of us who have been raised within or near the community are awestruck by how the group has grown.

The Cairn

The Cairn

After years of many of us expressing interest in meeting outside of the confines of Rites, the concept of creating a dedicated space for us to meet has now manifested in a massive megalithic site a mere few miles from EarthSpirit’s home at Glenwood Farm in western Massachusetts.  After a year of planning we garnered the support of the larger community to help fund the creation of this space. On Sunday, November 24th, the brotherhood returned to the circle they had cleared in April to stand on and within the stones that, to us, symbolize the endurance we wish to be reflected in our growing brotherhood. Nothing ever prepared us to have a community of men supporting us the way this one does. To be further supported by and serve in support of a larger community is something that enriches us all.

The Brotherhood of the Stag maintains a Facebook page here.  You can like it to keep up on what they’re doing and share your support.

One thought on “Brotherhood of the Stag

  1. To the broader community: I know it may seem like a small issue, but the name is “The Brotherhood of the Stag and Wolf,” not just the Stag. Both of our totems are important to us and represent different parts of our work. The stag represents our challenge to each other to better ourselves and the wolf represents our commitment to supporting each other and working together.
    Don’t forget the Wolf!

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